The Human Resource Development Management Program aims to prepare the graduates for a career in the field of Human Resource Management in various corporations, whether in the manufacturing, marketing, and service sectors, or in different types of industries such as pharmaceutical, semi-conductor, food and beverage, and banking industries.



  1. Completely foster the understanding of the concepts, principles, theories, and philosophies in human resources.
  2. Assist the students seek employment and facilitate the integration process in the corporate environment so they can be immediately productive once employed.
  3. Assist the students in appreciating the HR role in the organization and how they can make meaningful contributions as a strategic partners in building the organization to become globally competitive



HR Managers, Customer Care Managers, Customer Service Representatives/Supervisors, Sales Managers, Administration Managers, Chief Analysts, Business Analysts, Personnel Supervisors, and Business Managers.


The Marketing Management program prepares the students to be responsive to the total environment by providing technical skills and competencies in the areas of marketing. The theory is blended with practical activities to give the students a broad and enriched base for a career in marketing.



  1. Help the students seek employment in entry-level jobs or positions of responsibility as a marketing manager, marketing executive, or marketing director.
  2. Guide the students in organizing or managing entrepreneurial activities if they decide to be self-employed.
  3. Equip the students with the knowledge of the principle and concepts of marketing.
  4. Prepare students to pursue a teaching career or graduate studies in business.



Customer Care Managers, Customer Service Representatives/Supervisors, Business Manager, Sales Manager, Administration Managers, Chief Analyst, Business Analyst, Personnel Supervisors


The Financial Management program aims to prepare the student to possess a strong foundation on theories, principles, and concepts, as well as analytical tools and perspectives, which would provide a sound and competitive basis for financial decision-making.

The program aims to produce graduates that would later on turn into professionals in various careers in financial departments of general businesses, investment and banking firms, broker-dealer firms, management consulting firms, various firms of commercial banks, and other financial institutions, Central Bank and international financial institutions.



  1. Cultivate a complete understanding of the concepts, principles, and theories of financial management.
  2. Help students seek employment and assume entry-level jobs or positions of responsibility as financial analysts, financial managers, or executives.
  3. Prepare the students to pursue a teaching career or graduate studies in business.



 Customer Care Managers, Customer Service Representatives/Supervisors, Sales Managers, Technical Control Service Managers, Administration Managers, Chief Analysts, Audit and Accounting Supervisors, Business Analysts, Personnel Supervisors, Business Managers


Accountancy is a profession that plays an important role in all societies. As the world moves toward a fast-paced global market economy and with investments and operations crossing borders to an even greater extent, professional accountants need a broad global outlook to understand the context in which businesses and other organizations operate.



Entry-Level Jobs:

  1. Public Service: Audit Staff, Tax Assessment Staff, Management, Services/Consulting Staff
  2. Commerce and Industry: Tax Accounting Staff, Internal Audit Staff, Financial Analyst, Budget Analyst, Credit Analyst, Cost Accountant
  3. Government: State Accounting Examiner, State Accountant, LGU Accountant, Revenue Officer, Audit Examiner, Financial Services Specialist

Middle-Level Jobs:

  1. Public Service: Audit manager, Tax manager, Consultant
  2. Commerce and Industry: Comptroller, Senior Information System Auditor, Senior Fraud Examiner, Senior Forensic Auditor
  3. Government: State Accountant V, Director III and Director IV, Government Accountant, and Auditor, Financial Services Manager, Audit Services Manager, Senior Auditor
  4. Education: Senior Faculty, Accounting Department Chair

Advanced Positions:

  1. Public Service: Partner, Senior Partner, Senior Consultant/Financial Advisor
  2. Commerce and Industry: Chief Financial Officer, Chief Information Officer
  3. Government: National Treasurer, Vice-President for Finance/ CFO (for GOCC’s), Commissioner, Assistant Commissioner (COA, BIR, BOC)
  4. Education: Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dean


The Bachelor of Science in Customs Administration is a four-year course specializing in import and export laws, otherwise known as the Tariff and Customs Laws for any goods or commodity coming in from any foreign country and going out of the Philippines. Furthermore, the proper procedure in releasing goods from the country of exportation up to the country of destination and the procedures behind freight forwarding and warehousing are also points to look into in the study of customs administration.


Moreover, because of globalization, different associations, like APEC, ASEAN, and GATT/WTO, in which the Philippines is a member, emerged to cater to the increasing need for peaceful international trading. They focus on free trade agreements, meaning each member country can export their products among the other member countries without paying the corresponding duties and taxes.


It is evident that in today’s fast-paced and modernized world, international trading puts a lot of money into our struggling economy. To encourage more of these inflows, it is imperative, therefore, to produce a new breed of licensed customs brokers, equipped with impressive knowledge in customs and tariff laws and meticulously selected through a board examination. Needless to say, they will surely pave the way for smoother and more effective trading between and among nations.