20th Founding Anniversary Celebration

It is the first day of the 20th Founding Anniversary of the Lyceum of Alabang (LOA) and the celebration will shortly begin with a mass that is about to start within a few minutes. All Lyceans are now gathering at the Danilo V. Ayap (DVA) and Annex Gymnasium. Caption by Flordeliza Galicia Photo by Christian Dy | Santinig Chorale, Alta Dance Troupe, and the Sharksquad delivered a series of performances for the Lycean Concert at the DVA gymnasium. Caption by Fatima Rigel Ong Photo by Christian Dy | Lyceum of Alabang conducts its first ceremony for the 20th founding anniversary with a theme ‘Building a legacy of learning: Celebration 20 years of education’ led by Mr. Danilo V. Ayap on October 23 at the DVA gymnasium. Caption by Fatima Rigel Ong Photo by Christian Dy |