June 3 – Lyceum of Alabang’s (LOA) National Service Training Program (NSTP) department conducted an educational trip for all the students who are taking both the Community Welfare Training Service (CWTS) and Literacy Training Service (LTC). They visited the La Mesa Dam Watershed in which the students took part in planting trees. This is to enrich the students with knowledge and skills about planting and emphasize the importance of plants for the community.

All students were gathered in the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) office in which the staffs and director of DENR, Director Jacqueline A. Caancan accommodate and give the students various seeds to plant and tools for planting such as shovels before going to the planting area. Students were assisted by the NSTP professors, Mr. Adrian Naingue, Mr. Kevin W. Villanueva, Mr. Reymond Nazarro, Ms. Jasmin D. Bertiz, Ms. Sheilla Joy Q. Reyes, Ms. Helen Z. Sanchez, Ms. Abigail Domingo, and Ms. Jonalyn S. Boncolmo together with the 1503rd Brigade Reserve Armed Forces of the Philippines and the NSTP coordinator and overall leader of the trip, Prof. Vincent Julius C. Buenavidez. The importance of planting trees to the environment and the mission to save and protect the environment from destruction were discussed during the planting activity.
This educational tour was supervised by the Office of Student Affairs (OSA) Director, Dir. Ermelyn M. Guan and OSA secretary, Ms. Helen Patalbo, and the NSTP Director, LT Col. Jerson N. Napat along with the safety officer, Mr. Timothy Dimaano, and the Internal Security officers, Mr. Albo, Mr. Doña, and Mr. Pacardo. A special thanks to the President and CEO of LOA, Dr. Danilo V. Ayap, Vice President Mrs. Norma M. Ayap, MBA – Vice President for Administration, Ms. Faith Ayap-Aquino, and the Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dr. Leah P. Digo, for the support and effort to make the NSTP educational tour happen.
Article: Caitlyn Marquez and Flordeliza Galicia
Photos: Yufa Erielle Santos